Janice created Dark Horse Pilates in response to the growing need to bring the work back to the original Pilates culture. A boutique style of Pilates, instead of large group classes or emphasis on fast-paced exercise, we focus on the principles of Centering, Concentration, Control and Precision in order to move the student toward balance and mastery.
Janice Dulak
Janice has always been a Dark Horse. Never in the spotlight except at Romana's Pilates International Conventions, Romana loved her for her humble approach to the work. When Romana asked her to be a Teacher of Teachers in 1999 she was surprised. Romana said "you do the work" and so Janice set out to study the work by bringing in all her knowledge of dance, body work, kinesiology and riding dressage. Through this study, she developed her approach to train the body to move as she moved in her lessons with Romana. This is what separates her from the crowd of Pilates Master Instructors. Her love of teaching in a clear and simple way takes the mystery out of Pilates so everyone can achieve mastery in their own body.
Core Values
To remain true to the original teachings of Romana Kryzanowska as taught to her by Joseph Pilates.
To empower practitioners and Teachers of Pilates.
To create a Pilates community for students and teachers that reflects trust, support and inclusiveness.
To keep a healthy levity within the seriousness of the work.
To disseminate the work in a simple and effective way.
To strive to teach mastery of the body.
To use the five parts of the mind as taught by Romana: intuition, intelligence, imagination, will and memory.